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Effective Self Defense Tips You Need To Know About



When it comes to protecting yourself, you should not take any chances. If you are given the opportunity to learn about ways on how to defend yourself, you need to grab it. Even if you do not see any immediate threat to your personal safety, it is always beneficial for you to be prepared for any eventuality.

First of all, never put yourself in a dangerous situation. Avoid walking alone in a dark street in the middle of the night. Nor should you risk being robbed inside your own home. There are a lot of instances which you can prevent from happening. If you were able to keep these things from happening, you are one step farther away from injury.

Be prepared by learning fighting stances. If you were held against your own will by an attacker, your goal will be to get away and get help as soon as possible. It may be that the only way you are going to get away from your attacker is by learning some basic, but effective, moves. Enroll into certain self defense classes in your area. It might be helpful for you to read about these stances. However, experiencing the actual moves and how to do them properly is a much more effective step for you to take.

Furthermore, realize that there are spots in the body which are considered to be the most vulnerable to attack. You can disable your attacker even with the least amount of force by hitting the groin area. The eyes, nose, and ears are also targets for you. Some other parts of the body which you may target in order to try to incapacitate your attacker will include the neck, arms and legs.

Even if the area that you are in seems to be deserted, you should still try to call for help as loud as you can. Once you have the opportunity to get away from your attacker, be sure to head towards an area where a lot of people might frequent. Also, going towards police stations and offices of those with authority can greatly help you.

If you have the opportunity to use your mobile phone, you should call for help as early as possible. Have emergency numbers ready inside your phone book. Putting them in your list of speed dials will also help. You need to have your phone ready especially in occasions when you need to be alone.

Find out which self defense devices you are allowed to carry with you out in the public. Also, these devices might be different from those which you are allowed to own and keep inside of your home. If you can, bring a can of pepper spray or mace spray in your bag or in your pocket. Stun guns and Taser guns will also help you get away from your attacker without doing any permanent harm to them.

Products that are currently available in the market can be used to disguise these self defense devices as common things one would carry inside a bag. For women, there are products that are disguised as tubes of lipstick or key chains. Men can use those stun guns that look like cellular phones.

Cori Baker loves writing for http://www.beststungun.com which is a reliable source of information for taser as well as a host of related products.


  • Author (ผู้แต่ง) : Cori N. Baker
  • Category (หมวด) : Society
  • Keywords (คำค้นหา) : stun gun laws, stun guns, stun gun, taser, tasers,
  • Posted (วันที่) : December 11, 2012 (00:35:56)
  • Viewer (จำนวนผู้ชม) : 6,145
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